Monday, April 30, 2012

Terrors, Chocolatey Drinks and Monday Mornings.

     Who would have thought that the wrath of a monday morning was a real thing? Not, me... Well, not really anyways. I have had bad mondays.. waking up late not being able to find my shoe.. ect.
   Today is different. First off, the day started crappy even before I was awake. I had the most awful dream. This dream was a bit like ones that I would have as kid. They were awful. One example. When I was about 8 or 9. My dream started off normal... Me and my family were just having a sleep over in my Grandma McNeill's basement,(normal....  cause that happened all the time..) when a strange man came inside and he held us hostage and killed everyone in my family and I couldn't scream and I couldn't move... all I could do was watch from my sleeping bag.. when he left, I ran down the street yelling trying to get someone to help me and save my family.. but no one could hear me... It was awful. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and running into Dewey's room crying and asking him to let me sleep by him. He let me sleep by him and he showed me his dream catcher. That as long a that was near it, I wouldn't have bad dreams.  I also had this dream all the time.. it was always the same.. i don't remember much of it. It was one of those dreams were things start off small but get bigger and bigger until you are suffocating, everything is moving and blurry and it feels like you can't get a grip on anything... I was always able to tell when I was going to have this dream to. I would lay down on my back and close my eyes... and it would start to play out in my head. I was never able to get it to leave my head before I fell asleep.. so I would just lay there, praying that I wouldn't have any dreams. It was an awful terror.
       I hadn't had a dream as intense as that one in a very long time. I dreamt that I had come home to my parents house and my dad decided that he wanted to move... I know that this doesn't sound scary but, I feel like in our dreams everything is so much more intese than in real life. So, I had come home and I started to pack up all of my stuff and put it in boxes and whenever we would come back inside and think that we were done, there was always a closet or a shelf or a room that we had forgotten to pack up.. and nothing was going right and we were breaking stuff and we kept getting lost ( in our own house, except it wasnt my house)... and when we finally finished and were ready to go. I was standing in the living room alone, thinking about all the memories that I had had in that house and how much I loved it there.. I started to sob, and I looked up and there were these 2 little kids.. I don't know who they were, but, it was a girl about 6, and a boy about 4 or 5. They didn't say anything and I didn't really acknowlege them. They stayed in the house.... and We locked up the house and walked out the back door and around to the front. As we went around the side of the house, my mom saw that there was  a window open and that we had forgotten to blow out a candle, so she reached her hand in the window to grab it and it fell over and the house went up in flames. I just stood there watching my childhood go up in flames, at least that is what I remember thinking. We couldn't get in. No fire trucks or people came to help us, we just stood there watching it burn. When we got back inside the kids were just lying on the floor. It was awful. 

      I got up, got ready as fast as I could and went into the kichen. Spilled my Chocolate milk breakfast powder all over the counter and floor and all over my shoes... cleaned it up and poured the last of my milk and mixed the powdery substance into my cup for a mix of delicious goodness and reached up into the cupboard for the lid and spilt it all over the counter and ran out of paper towels trying to clean it up.. 

      My morning has been very interesting... I am still recovering from it, and I think I might have something on my face or I am missing the joke everyone coming into 7 Circles is in on... cause I am getting some strange looks and I feel a bit out of place.. LOL. I have a strange feeling that I am going to survive though...

               Earth is a normal place.... the People are kind of weird though...

                Stay Strong,

P.s. Sorry for the disturbing post..

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